Our Strategy

We desire to reach the maximum number of people, in the shortest amount of time, in the most cost-effective way. We firmly believe the best way to accomplish this is by working with indigenous believers to reach their own country with Bibles, clean water, and supporting technologies. We work with established, successful church ministries that already have relationships with indigenous pastors around the world.

Our vision is to forge effective partnerships between followers of Christ and the amazing men and women who are already faithfully sharing the Gospel with their neighbors. This was the model used by God to advance His Kingdom in the first century and how we desire to be an active part of His work today.

Below are a few of our current projects and ministry partners.

Our Projects

We have partnered with local churches in Western Uganda to serve the physical and spiritual needs of their surrounding communities. We are currently funding the following projects:
  • Bible for New Believers
  • New Well System
  • Bibles for New Believers
  • New Well System

Bibles for New Believers

Resources and volunteers for food and water distribution

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